Garst Farm Resorts
Coon Rapids, Iowa
What can you do with plastic seed-planter plates?
When farmers no longer use them?
If you've got about 8,000 of them?

Artist and project manager, Doug Carpenter, and Liz Garst, project coordinator and host.
Email Doug Carpenter

Hog house attic where planter plates have been stored.

Sister Susan Carpenter and Brother Doug Carpenter assembling a sentinel pole.

Susan, David Tusane, and Doug Carpenter installing one of the sentinels in its outdoor location.

Doug Carpenter with completed project.

Sentinels viewed from across the pasture.

Sentinels now keeping their watch.
Others assisting in project included Penny Carpenter, Charles Carpenter, and Darwin Pierce.
Photos taken on installation day, September 3, 2002
Comments? Ideas? Or what to learn more about the Sentinel Project. Email Doug Carpenter.
Click to learn more about the
Garst Farm Resort
The Fluxus Indian Museum