The Oil Paintings of Celia Ann Bukoff
- Artist -

Online Gallery

Two more paintings photographed and added! September 10, 2002

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Celia Ann (Burrows) Bukoff, born June 19, 1920, has spent most of her life living in Iowa. She has always admired the spirit of art. She began reciting and writing poetry as a girl and has continued this throughout her life. Her primary audience has been her family and friends, although on several occasions her writing has appeared in print. For example, in the early 1960s the Des Moines Register's Over the Coffee column printed several of her poems and limericks.

Celia has always admired oil paintings and began taking lessons and painting with oils and acrylics in the 1970s--after doing a lot of work in decoupage, tole, and other decorative crafts. Presented here, on one page, are digital photographs of twenty of Celia's oil paintings--nearly the entire body of her work in oil paintings. (We know of at least two other oil paintings that she has done, but haven't had time to track them down and photograph them yet.) In addition, you will find a few examples of some of her decoupage and tole work (in the photo of a wall display below). Celia has also painted many water color paintings over the years and a separate online gallery of these works may also appear.

All paintings below are presented in approximate chronological order of their creation--from the first to the most recent. Various scenes depicted include still lifes with food, family vacation memories (e.g., beach, mountain, and western scenes), woodland cottages, peaceful ponds and quiet farms.


Frame made by Sam Bukoff

Celia painted the following in response to a request from her son
to "paint something abstract or symbolic."

Click here or on painting to view a much larger, close-up image in which the text is readable.

Recently photographed and added!

click here for more info

A wall display at Marilyn's House

Recently photographed and added!

click here for more info

Other Celia Bukoff Attractions

Other Bukoff Family Attractions
© 2007 Allen Bukoff

Web site created and launched 7 July 2002.
Additional images added September 10, 2002.

Comments or questions?  Email: allen AT allenbukoff DOT com